Platinum Sponsors
NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Fisheries is responsible for the stewardship of the United States of America’s ocean resources and their habitat. NOAA fisheries provides sound science and an ecosystem-based approach to management with the following aims:
- Productive and sustainable fisheries
- Safe sources of seafood
- Recovery and conservation of protected resources
- Healthy ecosystems
NOAA Fisheries assesses and predicts the status of fish stocks, sets catch limits, ensures compliance with fisheries regulations, and reduces bycatch. Eight fishery management councils are key regional partners in U.S. fishery management.
The Fisheries Cooperation – AG-Fisk

The Fisheries Cooperation, under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers, is the Nordic governments’ cooperation on fisheries and aquaculture.
The members of the fisheries cooperation come from the Nordic countries’ research institutions and fisheries administrations and represent a broad network within the marine area in the Nordic countries.
The Fisheries Cooperation has an advisory function towards the Nordic Council of Ministers on fisheries and aquaculture related issues.
The Fisheries Cooperation fund Nordic projects related to marine resources.