IFOMC Sponsorship packages

Platinum (P)

Gold (G)

Silver (S)

Bronze (B)

Refreshment break (RB)

Exhibition table (et)

observer fund (of)

sponsorship of prizes for best posters (BP)

Benefits by sponsorship categorySponsorship category
Company logo on conference website, app, and registration form x x   
Logo recognition in all conference promotional material       
Sponsor’s own signage prominently displayed at the venue (maximum of 2 (P)-1 (G, S and B) ) pull up banners displayed, provided by sponsors) x x x x    
Verbally acknowledged throughout the conference as a sponsor x x x x    
Electronic brochure in the conference app, provided by sponsors x x     
Advertisement in the conference app (finished art to be supplied by sponsor) x x x    
Full conference registrations4321    
One dressed table and two chairs x x x   x  
Opportunity to welcome guests to the dinner (5 minutes maximum)           x       
Recognition as the Conference dinner sponsor on dinner menus and signage at the event x      
Recognition as the reception sponsor  x      
Verbally acknowledged at lunch time as a silver sponsor   x     
Sponsor’s own signage prominently displayed at the Conference Dinner venue x x x x    
Exclusive sponsorship of one day’s refreshment break     x   
Your organization’s logo will be including in the program and prominently displayed at refreshment stations on the day of the sponsorship (morning and afternoon refreshments, and lunch)     x   
Opportunity to place promotional items on the catering     x   
Stations (material provided by sponsor)     x   
Funding to assist with attendance of international observers       x 
Acknowledgement verbally and on any materials presented by the observer during their oral or poster presentation session       x 
Logo inclusion in the conference proceedings in the relevant section that contains the observer’s content.        x 
Logos included in program and sponsor named during prize presentation        x

For sponsorship & exhibition enquiries, please contact KOMUM conferences at info@komum.is