
Platinum (P)

Gold (G)

Silver (S)

Bronze (B)

Benefits by sponsorship categorySponsorship category
Company logo on conference website, app, and registration form x x   
Logo recognition in all conference promotional material        
Sponsor’s own signage prominently displayed at the venue (maximum of 2 (P)-1 (G, S and B) ) pull up banners displayed, provided by sponsors) x x x x    
Verbally acknowledged throughout the conference as a sponsor x x x x    
Electronic brochure in the conference app, provided by sponsors x x     
Advertisement in the conference app (finished art to be supplied by sponsor) x x x    
Full conference registrations4321    
One dressed table and two chairs x x x   x  
Opportunity to welcome guests to the dinner (5 minutes maximum)           x       
Recognition as the Conference dinner sponsor on dinner menus and signage at the event x      
Recognition as the reception sponsor  x      
Verbally acknowledged at lunch time as a silver sponsor   x     
Sponsor’s own signage prominently displayed at the Conference Dinner venue x x x x    
Exclusive sponsorship of one day’s refreshment break     x   
Your organization’s logo will be including in the program and prominently displayed at refreshment stations on the day of the sponsorship (morning and afternoon refreshments, and lunch)     x   
Opportunity to place promotional items on the catering     x   
Stations (material provided by sponsor)     x   
Funding to assist with attendance of international observers       x 
Acknowledgement verbally and on any materials presented by the observer during their oral or poster presentation session       x 
Logo inclusion in the conference proceedings in the relevant section that contains the observer’s content.        x 
Logos included in program and sponsor named during prize presentation        x